
Life after divorce

Truth is, when you got married, chances are you meant those words.…

Divorce Rate, Education Conversely Related

A recent study published in the journal of Family Relations has…

Readers’ Advice On How To Stress Less About Your Finances

When financial worries begin to take precedent during a divorce…

Creating a Strong Co-Parenting Relationship After Divorce

It's one of the most crucial aspects of your post divorce life,…

Taxes And Divorce: 6 Tips For Women

There are two things certain in life, death and taxes and in…

Custody Battles Over Pets are on the Rise

A study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML)…

Bobby Brown was Homeless After Divorce

According to court documents, Bobby Brown was so broke after…

Kim Kardashian Donates Double the Value of her Wedding Gifts to Charity

Kim Kardashian is donating twice the value of the wedding gifts…

Pilar Sanders Wants Deion Punished for Tampering with a Witness

Pilar Sanders is attempting to prove her soon to be ex-husband,…
