Divorce Over 50

For Lucy, one of my clients over 50 going through divorce, the world seemed like a fast trip down the rabbit hole. Everything had changed. What was once the warm and loving home she had worked hard to create was now a threat and a burdensome expense to her soon-to-be ex. What was once a life that had revolved around her beloved children was now threatened with loss, destabilization and the reality of raising her three teenagers mostly by herself.

Lucy had spent the past 23 years doing all the right things, things she and her husband had figured out together. Now her husband was leaving her. She was heartbroken, worried about her kids and panicked about her financial future. She was 54 years old and felt her world was, quite suddenly, disintegrating. She had given so much, had invested her identity in the world of her family, and was now being asked to move along and deal with life as a single woman. She was now being told by her husband that she must get “re-educated” and “start working”. She had never expected her life to turn out this way.

Read More: The Huffington Post

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