Where do Arnold and Maria Go from Here?

When Arnold fathered a child with a member of his household staff ten years ago, he had to know that some time in his future there would be a problem.

The scandal that has emerged has highlighted the problem we have seen frequently in recent times, with powerful people being brought down by their lack of judgement in these very personal matters. Senators, governors and CEOs have bitten the dust when their extramarital affairs have surfaced in the public media.

The Huffington Post thinks Maria will get down to the basics as they say “With the bombshell that Arnold had a baby 10 years ago with a member of their household staff there will be many advising Maria to go for the jugular. What woman wants to know her man had children with another woman while already married? This is the same issue that broke up Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall and given what Maria has said about “being unhappy for years” it would seem divorce is inevitable. So what is a scorned woman to do? When there is a lot of money at stake, and as of 2006 his tax return showed he had $800 million there will be a lot of pressure on Maria to hire a shark divorce lawyer. If she is smart she will not listen to the Greek chorus of revenge and be the smart and classy cookie we know her to be.”


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