Abby: Divorced dad bitter, abusive

DEAR ABBY: My parents divorced during my junior year of high school. I am now a sophomore in college. I have done my best to maintain a good relationship with Dad, although I chose to live with my mother during the custody battle.

Since the divorce, Dad has verbally, emotionally and financially abused me to the point that I no longer want him as part of my life.

I miss having a father figure, even though no amount of counseling could ever mend our broken relationship. We went through two years of counseling, and the only thing I learned was that Dad believes he has done nothing wrong and my feelings about him are because of Mom.

How can I get over the pain and hurt my dad has caused me?

— Heartbroken in Michigan


DEAR HEARTBROKEN: It will probably take one-on-one counseling for you to establish enough emotional independence to toughen up.

Your father’s unwillingness (or inability) to take responsibility for his mistakes is an indication that, as much as you may need and want a father, he will never be the parent you would like him to be. It will take time and work on your part to get beyond this loss — and it is a loss — so the ideal place to begin your journey would be by talking to a psychologist at the student health center.

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