Entries by David Centeno

How to Save On the Cost of A Divorce

Divorces don’t come cheap, and sometimes you just want to get them over with. But it’s important that you be frugal with your money, and plan out your divorce in the most cost-effective way possible. Negotiate with your lawyer; don’t let him/her rip you off. Haggle, or attempt to negotiate a one-time flat fee for […]

Divorce Settlement Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation is an integral part of the divorce process, not only for the spouses involved, but for the children as well. There are many factors to consider when filing for divorce, including how your child’s college tuition will be paid, your retirement plan, health insurance coverage (for you and your children), and the costs of […]

Parenting After Separation or Divorce

Divorce can be an emotional journey, but once it has been finalized if you have children it can then turn into a new challenging experience. Many mothers realize for the first time that parenting alone is not only hard, but at times very stressful. Although your marriage may not have been a happy one but […]

Protecting Assets In A Divorce

There are many ways to protect your private assets before and after a divorce situation occurs. These range from storing your assets in a safe location that is unavailable to your spouse, to getting a protective order for your property. Regardless of the method, it is important to safeguard your assets before a nasty divorce […]

How Likely Are You to Get Divorced? Infographic

This is an interesting infographic about you’re liklihood of getting divorced.  It’s not an exact science, but it unveils some of the factors that make you more likely to call it quits. Couples that live together prior to marriage are more likely to get divorced.  Your level of education makes a difference.  Also a big factor is […]

He Started Using Drugs on Our Wedding Day

Tanya’s husband is a recovering alcoholic who after a long struggle was able to stay off alcohol for 6 whole years. On his birthday he decided to have a beer, and despite his wife’s pleading he drank anyways; sending him in a down spiral that eventually ended in drug abuse on their honeymoon. Read the […]

Octogenarian Couple Reunites 50 Years After Filing for Divorce

After fifty years apart a couple has reunited and is planning to remarry. The couple met in Chattanooga as teenagers and soon married and had 4 children. They later sought a divorce in 1964, and have spent 50 years apart; now after fifty years of separation the couple is seeking to reignite the flame. Read […]

Divorce and Credit

Whenever Divorce rears it’s ugly head, our minds usually begin to wonder and try to decipher the emotional impact. The pragmatic side of the debate goes out the window and we are left stuck with questions like: Why did this happen? What are we going to tell the kids? or How am I going to […]

Let’s Talk About Sex Infographic

Sex is a complicated subject; to some it’s taboo, to others it’s just a way to pass the time between work and sleep. Have you ever wondered which countries are the most sexually satisfied? Or maybe you just want to know how many times married couples have sex each year? This infographic has all the […]

Are French People Better at Handling Divorce than Americans?

Do the French really handle divorce better than Americans, or is this possible misconception a result of miscommunication from across the pond? The French seem to not only handle divorce more maturely, but they also seem to make less of a big deal out of it; they get divorced, and move on with their lives. […]