Jane Seymour & Husband Announce Divorce After 20 Years

Jane Seymour, best known for her role as Dr. Quinn, Medicine…

Life After Divorce and Breast Cancer at 40

Divorce on it's own is already a tough experience for anyone…

Divorce Stories: Pennsylvania Woman Cited For Calling 911 Seeking Divorce

Divorce is bad but it's not "911" bad, so never make that mistake.…

Divorce Is A Right, Not A Crime

When the word divorce is mentioned it usually brings about disparaging…

Divorce in a Day

No the sky isn't falling and there aren't pigs flying up there…

Divorce proof your family-owned business

Splitting assets after a nasty breakup can be a difficult task…

Annulment Vs. Divorce

So what's the difference? Both a divorce and an annulment…

Sacramento Judge Aims to Expedite Divorce Process

Marriage is beautiful and supposedly everlasting, divorce is…

Viagra and Divorce

At first glance this may seem odd, Viagra is supposed to help…

Kim Kardashian Reveals Her Witness List for Divorce Court

In what is sure to be the most intriguing divorce case in recent…