John Edwards Admission of Fathering an Illegitimate Child Leads to Separation…
The press just released the story that John and Elizabeth Edwards have legally separated, after their marriage had been under the media microscope during the last two Presidential campaigns.
Mr. Edwards admitted last week, after a long cover up, that he fathered a child in 2007 with another woman, Rielle Hunter, outside his marriage. The child will be turning 2 years old next month. He had previously fervently denied the accusation, especially when accusations arose during his Presidential campaigns.
The legal separation came as a result of Mrs. Edwards discovering the truth regarding Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hunter.
Sadly, as if the story could not get any worse, this news comes to Mrs. Edwards after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Andrew Young, a former aide, is releasing a book about the affair between Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hunter. Mr. Young had once claimed that the baby girl was his to save Mr. Edwards from the political fallout associated with the revelation. His book is also sharply critical of Mrs. Edwards and asserts that she sought to publicize her cancer for political gain.
If you are in need of information regarding obtaining a legal separation in New York State, our law office offers free consultations. (866) 830-2064.
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Very sad when families fall apart when there is a child involved. At these moments parents usually think of themeselves (at least one of parents for sure) and the child has to suffer 🙁
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