Tax Returns Can Uncover Hidden Assets in a Divorce
Are you debating on hiring a private investigator to uncover if your soon-to-be Ex has hidden any assets? Have you always thought that your spouse could be hiding some extra money? If you are in the process of a divorce, you will be glad to know that you use your tax returns as a way to uncover any hidden little, or large, items that may be beneficial for you in your settlement.
While a private investigator is never a bad idea, for some people they may be worried about the additional costs that they would obviously be incur. A recent article in the Huffington Post elabotates on much more affordable way to uncover these little treasures.
“Fortunately, there’s a no- or low-cost source of information for spouses who are compelled to litigate their divorces or for already-divorced spouses who seek to recover overdue payments of alimony or child support. And frequently the means for unearthing this information is tucked away in their file cabinets–unbeknownst to those seeking the information. This is because still-marrieds and ex-spouses can glean a good part of what they need from the separate schedules submitted with their jointly filed federal tax returns”, is what is reported in this article.
The article goes on to provide some very useful information, as well as what areas of the tax return to check. If you want to read the article it can be found here and learn which areas of the tax return can unleash valuable information.
An experienced lawyer can also help to guide you in the process of discovering hidden assets. Please feel free to give our office a call at (866) 830-2064.
And that’s why it’s imperative to hire yourself a private investigator new york and find out about these hidden assets before it’s too late. I wish you all good luck!