6 Things To Do When You See Divorce In Your Future
Usually when people are on their way to divorce, there are warning signs. More often than not, it is gradual rather than a sudden transition from happily married to icicles in the room.
If you see divorce coming, or even the possibility of it coming, there are six very important steps you can take to protect yourself and your future.
Step 1: Go See a Lawyer
The single biggest mistake that the divorce lawyers in our firm see is that potential divorcees wait way too long to seek legal advice. There are things that you can be doing to protect your assets and set up a more favorable outcome in the event you enter the court system.
Compare it to finding out that you might be playing the game of cricket on Saturday. You certainly would want to have someone explain what the rules are before you set foot on the field.
The lawyer will dispel the many myths that exist in the area of divorce. Your lawyer will ask questions about your particular situation and you will be walked through the divorce process and told what your likely outcome is if you go before a judge. This process takes about an hour and costs a couple hundred dollars but is well worth the time and cost.
Step 2: Gather Financial Information and Put It in a Safe Place
When your spouse decides that divorce is the only answer to your relationship, he or she may be hiding assets or information. A significant step that you can take is to make photocopies of all financial records that you have and take photographs of all of your personal property. It is amazing how many times the collectible items disappear before they can be accounted for and valued. The record of all of these assets should be kept away from your home in a safe deposit box or with a friend.
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