Why An Affair May Not Matter In Your Divorce
In the wake of extra-marital affairs the worst things are said…
College Savings During Divorce Process
It happens quicker than you would imagine. The trials and tribulations…
Kids: What will this divorce do to me?
The statistics regarding divorce are always staggering - there…
Starting Your Financial Life Over After Divorce
Attempting to start again after sharing the better part of your…
Prenuptial Agreement Will Stand in Sanders Divorce
Looks like Deion Sanders wont have to worry about his money for…
Collaborative divorce offers options to court battles
Collaborative divorce has been making major headway recently.…
Bill O’Reilly Divorce: Maureen McPhilmy Split Getting Uglier By the Day
Television host Bill O'Reilly has been known for getting under…
Take Time for Emotional Clarity in Decisions
It's a well known fact that divorce is the most stressful time…
Scientific American: Divorce doesn’t really hurt kids all that much?
Could the usually purported truism of divorce and it's impact…