5 Ways Divorce Takes Your Money

Forget potentially losing half of your money in a divorce, sometimes…

6 Biggest Mistakes Moms Make in a Divorce

While divorce obviously affects both parties involved, most of…

How mediation takes the sting out of divorce

For many, divorce is not only a life changing moment but a truly…

Divorce Rate, Education Conversely Related

A recent study published in the journal of Family Relations has…

It’s Your Money: Do-it-yourself divorce could be cause for regret

Some people are so afraid of hack lawyers making the divorce…

Readers’ Advice On How To Stress Less About Your Finances

When financial worries begin to take precedent during a divorce…

Creating a Strong Co-Parenting Relationship After Divorce

It's one of the most crucial aspects of your post divorce life,…

Study: Divorced Women At Risk For Losing Health Insurance

According to a new study many divorced women are at risk of losing…

Wedding Dress, After Divorce: Readers Share What They Did With Their Gowns

The Wedding Dress. A core cultural tenet of holy matrimony. Girls…