Conservative Analyst Admits Divorce, Not Gay Marriage,Threatens Institution of Marriage

Michael Baron, 67, conservative columnist, political analyst, Fox news commentator, and author has come out in support of same-sex marriage, claiming that divorce is the threat to to the American family, not gay marriage.

In the syndicated column, “Our Gay Marriage Experiment,” he stated today, “the institution of the family is less threatened by a few people who want to get married than by the very many more people who get divorced or who have children without getting married at all.”

Barone, noted as the “greatest political observer of his generation,” cited polls finding a majority of Americans now support same-sex marriage which he believes is because “people learn that friends and relatives are gay, they become more sympathetic to gay rights.” He states this change is also reflected in voters’ willingness to elect gay candidates for office.

He writes, “The Republicans’ problem is young voters. Huge majorities of them favor same- sex marriage, and for most of them it’s simply a no- brainer. They must have been turned off if they were watching the Republican presidential candidates vie with each other in opposing it in the Fox News/ Washington Examiner debate in Iowa.

“The constitutional amendment banning same- sex marriage that they supported is never going to get a two- thirds vote in Congress or be ratified by three- quarters of state legislatures. Unless the Supreme Court rules there is a constitutional right to same- sex marriage, this is an issue that is going to be decided by the states.”

He concludes his column by stating, “In any case, we now have an experiment going on. Some 11 percent of Americans live in the six states and the District of Columbia that allow same- sex marriage. That would rise to 23 percent if California voters, who narrowly rejected it, switch. Other states may follow. On the other hand, states where blacks and white evangelical Protestants form a majority are unlikely to accept it any time soon”

For more information, check out: The New Civil Rights Movement

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