Is Financial Infidelity Worse, Better or the Same as Sexual Infidelity?
When you hear the term infidelity, you often think of your spouse having sexual relations outside the marriage, right? Affairs are one of the leading causes of divorce. What about having an affair with your spouse’s bank account?
Lying is lying no matter how you look at, so what if your spouse is lying about matters related to money? Your trust is still broken as it would be with a sexual affair, but is one worse than the other?
A recent article that was published by Reuters, showed that 3 out of 10 Americans have committed some form of lying when it comes to money. And that’s just who was telling the truth. The most common act committed was hiding money from the other spouse.
When you think about an affair the first thing that often comes to mind is “how will I ever be able to trust this person again.” Isn’t that the case when you learn your spouse has been lying to you about money? Okay, the emotional pain of adultery may be bit worse, but the bond of trust has been broken either way. Also, it depends how much money we’re talking about, right? A million dollars may be just as bad as your wife sleeping with the pool guy.
The article goes on to talk about the damage that the deceit has caused. The article states “Sixteen percent of couples affected by financial infidelity said the deception led to a divorce and 11 percent said it caused a separation. Sixty-seven percent said it led to an argument and for 42 percent it lessened trust in the relationship.
So a lie is a lie no matter what and the trust is broken. Bottom line of course is to be honest.
What do you do if you find yourself a victim of financial infidelity, or any form of infidelity for the matter? You make sure you have an experienced lawyer on your side. Give our office a call today at (866) 860-2064.
In the meantime, you can read the rest of the article here.
Go ahead and let us know if you think financial infidelity is worse, the same or better than sexual infidelity.
Both are the same. Intentional deceit is intentional deceit. The loss of trust is equally lost and hard to regain.