Why the Real Estate Recession is Halting Divorces
The recession has had effects on everything; from obesity to…

Divorce Makes Us Stronger
The thought of divorce for people in failing marriages may come…

How to Help Your Son after the Divorce
While explicit attention is usually placed on the daughters in…

Biggest Mistakes Women Make When it Comes to Alimony
It has become a recent trend with famous divorcees. Despite being…

After the Divorce: Learn how to Save Money
After the divorce one will face many new challenges and the …

A Few Ways to Help Keep Your Divorce Simple
We have all heard the horror stories of the long and messy divorces,…

Tax Returns Can Uncover Hidden Assets in a Divorce
Are you debating on hiring a private investigator to uncover…

How Long Does a No Fault Divorce Take in NY?
You want to get a no-fault divorce and want to get it done…

Are Your Divorce Fees Tax Deductible?
Are your divorce fees deductible on your taxes? With tax season…