How Long Does a NY Uncontested Divorce Take?
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One of the most frequently asked questions that I am asked by new clients is “How long does a NY uncontested divorce take?“
My answer is that it depends.
How long an uncontested divorce takes in New York depends on the following factors, all of which are completely out of our control:
- How fast you get us the information that we need (which we ask on our simple intake form)
- Whether your spouse cooperates in the process by signing the papers promptly
- How backlogged the Court and County Clerk’s Office is
Like I said, all of these factors are completely out of our control. Right now we are seeing a fast turn around time in New York County, but the downside is that the County Clerk is extremely backed up.
We are getting divorces signed by Judges, but the standard wait time until the judgment gets filed with the County Clerk and becomes public record is eight to twelve weeks. You are technically divorced, but can’t run out and get remarried because the divorce is not public record yet.
Anyway the short answer is that we are seeing uncontested divorces taking on average two to five months depending on the various factors listed above.
If you are considering an NY uncontested divorce, call us to schedule a free consultation with one of our New York uncontested divorce lawyers at (866) 830-2064.
Yeah, I dont think there is such thing as a “fast” divorce. Some take less time than others but it usually is a lengthy and painful experience for most couples.