Getting Divorced Young May Harm Your Heath

In a 15 year study done by the University of Michigan, statistics…

No Fault Divorce Celebrates its One Year Anniversary in New York

Despite being the last state to catch onto the 'no-fault' divorce…

Correlation Between Occupation and Divorce

New Zealand recently published a study that examines the correlation…

Romania: Italian Divorce Tourists’ Destination

Just like Pottermore for Harry Potter fans, Romania has become…

Pros of No Fault Divorce

Are you ready for a divorce but are unwilling to go through the…

New York Sees 12% Rise in Divorce Filings After Adoption of No-Fault Separation

Last October, New York adopted no-fault separations which permit…

Unsure about a No-Fault Divorce?

Have questions regarding getting a no fault divorce? We’ve…

NY Legislators Approve No-Fault Divorce

It is now easier in New York to end a marriage. The State legislators…

After No-Fault Law, NY Divorce Filings Are Up 12%

Last fall New York became the last state to approve “no-fault”…

Think New York Still Requires Accusing Your Spouse of Fault to get Divorced? You’re Wrong!

Beware of where you go on the internet for your information. …