Study: Happy husband in bed 83% less likely to divorce!

Does the frequency of sex and how happy a couple is with their…

Divorce Tips – The First Days Apart

Getting divorced? Here are some true stories of divorce from…

Does a Cancer Diagnosis Raise the Possibility of Divorce?

A 2009 study from the University of Utah Medical School suggested:…

Family Dog Becomes Issue on Contention in Divorce Case

According to NY Daily News A bow-wow brouhaha for the custody…

Ten Signs Your Marriage is Heading For Divorce

You've been growing apart for a while but maybe you haven't been…

Kate Winslet Opens Up About Divorce

Divorce is hard, even for the celebrities. Actress Kate Winslet…

Divorce Causes Tension Between Muslims and Coptic Orthodox Christians

In Egypt, divorce is causing tensions to rise between the Muslims…

Mexico to Join the ‘No-Fault’ Bandwagon?

"Until death do us part." That's what generations of couples…