Entries by David Centeno

Does ‘Nesting’ Children After Divorce Work?

“Nesting” children post divorce has become a recent trend. Nesting is defined as living the life of a married couple post divorce to ensure that the transition can be made easier for the children. However there are certain pitfalls. If the children find the parents sleeping in different rooms it could lead to a very […]

A Gray Divorce Boom

Some new statistics are emerging regarding older people and divorce. Fewer than 10% of those divorced in 1990 were ages 50 or older. Now? 1 in 4 people getting divorced are from the same age group. Find out why – Read More: LA Times

Why An Affair May Not Matter In Your Divorce

In the wake of extra-marital affairs the worst things are said and the worst thoughts are made. It’s an extremely emotional time and rash actions could impact your life going forward. But what is important to remember is that, apart from perhaps being the reason for the divorce, infidelity has no place in the divorce […]

College Savings During Divorce Process

It happens quicker than you would imagine. The trials and tribulations of marriage and parenting inevitably morph into the disaster of divorce and suddenly the life you worked so hard to construct is melting away slowly. As the construction breaks down it becomes increasingly apparent that things which didn’t seem like much of an issue […]

Kids: What will this divorce do to me?

The statistics regarding divorce are always staggering – there are nearly two million divorces a year which are not only a lot of devastated families but a lot of devastated children. A recent study suggested however that children are not affected as badly as we may think. Yet it seems that such an overarching view […]