High-Stakes Divorce Complicates Baseball TV Deal
Talk about making business complicated! Former Los Angeles Dodges…

Paul McCartney Engaged to be Married for the Third Time
Paul McCartney is at it again. This time, he has set his sights…

Happy Teens Ironically More Likely to Divorce
A recent study shows that happy teenagers are more likely to…

Has Your Spouse Committed Adultery and You Want to Sue the “Other Woman”
Infidelity is the leading cause of divorce. Shouldn't you be…

Getting Divorced at Over 50: Some Mistakes to Avoid
Although the divorce rates seem to have declined over the past…

Facebook and Divorce: To Post Your Status or Not to Post Your Status
So, you've chosen to end your marriage and go your separate ways. …

Charlie Sheen: Divorce, Child Custody and Tiger’s Blood
Charlie Sheen has sure made headlines in the past few months. …

Long Island Boasts One of the Lowest Divorce Rates in the Nation
Married life on Long Island is great. Did you know that Long…

Attorney David Centeno to be Lead Contributor for New York Divorce News
The Law Office of David Centeno is proud to announce that it…