How to Save Thousands of Dollars on Your Divorce: “Good Karma Divorce”…
Are you wondering how in the world you can make your divorce process a little less stressful? Today I read an interesting article regarding how to get a "Good Karma Divorce." Judge Lowrence, a long-time divorce lawyer and judge, indicates that one of the most painful aspects of divorce is how much it can cost if you are not careful, citing an the average divorce cost to be $30,000 (and for high income families it can go into the millions).
What if Your Spouse Won’t Sign? Can You Still Get a NY Uncontested Divorce?
What if your spouse won't sign his or her divorce papers? Are you unable to get a divorce in New York? What about an uncontested divorce?
The answer is that even if your spouse refuses to sign there are ways to still get divorced in New York. You may also still attempt to get an uncontested divorce...
How to Get an Affordable New York Divorce…
In the current economy you are probably looking for ways to save as much money as possible. Divorce can turn into an expensive process if you do not carefully weigh all your options. Emotions tend to run riot and people make very costly mistakes. Don't be one of them...
Researching New York Divorce Lawyers? Some helpful tips…
When researching a divorce lawyer on the internet you, the searcher,…
Was One of Your New Years Resolutions to Finally Get a Divorce?
New Years is a time when many New Yorker's reflect on their lives assets and liabilities. I know that I for one never really liked New Years' resolutions, because too often they are false promises to myself. Taking action is key to making a successful New Years' resolution.