Uncontested vs. Contested New York Divorce: Not Only Your Choice

I get phone calls every day where a woman or man calls with the following type of story. I hate getting these calls. Not because we choose not to represent them, but because I tell them the truth, the harsh reality of New York divorce law, and the truth really sucks... (pardon my language, but its true)

New York Uncontested Divorce Payment Plans: You May Not Be Tiger Woods

Our law office continues to strive to make the legal system accessible to you, regardless of your current financial situation. With the economy putting the hard press on all of us, I try to be as flexible as possible. Not everyone needs to get divorced has the same financial flexibility as Tiger Woods or John Edwards whose names have recently been scattered across divorce news.

NY Divorce Lawyer: How We Serve All New York State

The Law Office of David Centeno, PLLC is able to serve all New York State (which is extremely large, when it comes to states) because we focus solely on New York uncontested divorces. New York uncontested divorces (versus a contested or disputed divorce): * does not require any court appearances by you or us * is much more affordable than a contested divorce (you will save thousands of dollars) * is much faster than a contested divorce (we will save you time) * is much less painful than a contested divorce (where spouses often want to air the couple's dirty laundry, sling nasty allegations at one another, and fight tooth and nail over every last dime or minute with their children)

New York Divorce Attorney, Flat Fee Versus By the Hour: Sanity Versus Insanity

Today's attorney's fees have become astronomical. I recently read an article by a New York divorce lawyer who charges $700 per hour. Given that the average contested divorce can take hundreds of hours, if you are in the market for a divorce and can do math your stomach probably just dropped. $700 an hour is on the high side. The average New York contested divorce attorney fee is approximately $250 an hour. Again, hundreds of hours... I wouldn't want to be paying those fees.

John Edwards Admission of Fathering an Illegitimate Child Leads to Separation…

The press just released the story that John and Elizabeth Edwards have legally separated, after their marriage had been under the media microscope during the last two Presidential campaigns. Mr. Edwards admitted last week, after a long cover up, that he fathered a child in 2007 with another woman, Rielle Hunter, outside his marriage. The child will be turning 2 years old next month. He had previously fervently denied the accusation, especially when accusations arose during his Presidential campaigns.

Internet Based New York Divorce Law Practice Alters the Legal Playing Field…

My law office, the Law Office of David Centeno PLLC, is not your…

How Fast Can I Get Divorced in New York? Here are the Factors…

When it comes to how fast we can get you your divorce, I always…

Fear that Your Spouse Won’t Agree to an Uncontested Divorce? Read This…

Often I get calls from husbands or wives, talking in hushed tones, asking for advice regarding how they can convince their spouse to get an uncontested divorce versus a contested one. I don't blame them. In today's economy, I too would want to at least try my best to get an uncontested divorce that is more affordable, far faster and less painful that its contested alternative.

Learn How to Save Money on Your Divorce, Even in New York, the Most Expensive Divorce State in the Nation – The “Affordable Divorce”

New York is not only one of the most expensive places to live, its also one of the most expensive places on earth to get divorced. New York divorce is exceedingly expensive for various reasons: * New York still requires fault grounds for divorce (as the New York Times recently editorialized and I commented on), * New York’s custody laws seem to encourage litigation, and * professional licenses and educational degrees are classified as marital assets, all which promotes litigation. New York state doesn't make it easy to get divorced. Yet, don't fear. Our law office offers an affordable alternative to the average litigious New York divorce. Our law office has coined the phrase "Affordable Divorce" to describe the inexpensive, out of court, often amicable divorce settlements that our law office reaches for our clients.

New York’s “No Fault” Divorce Law…

As I have recently been commenting on my blog, New York state's divorce law has recently come under attack by a New York Times editorial for not permitting no fault divorces. It is important to note that New York has its own version of "no fault" divorce. Surprisingly, the New York Times editorial left this important information out. Obviously the story was written by a reporter and not a lawyer. I still do agree with the Times' assessment that New York divorce law is antiquated and needs prompt revision.