Entries by David Centeno

What Does NYS No-Fault Divorce Mean for Uncontested Divorce?

Since NYS has just recently passed the new no-fault divorce law we have been getting a lot of questions about what that means for what was traditionally known as uncontested divorce. The answer is little to nothing.  No-fault divorce and uncontested divorce are two entirely different animals. The no-fault law just makes it possible for […]

How to Approach Your Fiance About a Prenup

Many clients first question when it comes to prenuptial agreement is how to approach or broach the subject with their fiance. Depending on your specific situation, my advice might be slightly different but there are some overarching principles: A. Basically the idea is to discuss your and your fiance’s concerns directly, honestly, and openly.  Examples […]

What’s the New York Uncontested Divorce Process?

If you and your spouse can agree upon the key factors dealt with in divorce, then you can get a New York uncontested divorce. The New York uncontested divorce process does not require court appearances, so you will not have to go to court. Basically, once you retain our law firm to represent you in […]

New York Cohabitation Agreements: What Issues Can be Covered?

New York law permits express Cohabitation Agreements for both heterosexual unmarried couples and same sex couples. Unmarried couples, or same sex couples who still are refused marital benefits under New York law, need Cohabitation Agreements more than married couples need pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements. Unmarried couples, whether of the same or opposite sex, have no […]

What is New York’s New No-Fault Divorce Law?

New York’s new no-fault divorce law revolutionizes NYS divorce law by now allowing couples to get divorced for the simple fact that their marriage is no longer working. Before this new law, just recently passed by the NYS legislature and signed into law by Governor David Paterson, couple had to prove fault grounds in order […]

New York No-Fault Divorce Law is Finally Here!!!

New York was the last state in the nation to adopt a no-fault divorce law.  Prior to a couple of days ago, you would have to prove fault grounds to get a divorce. In other words, you used to have to accuse your spouse of abandonment, sexual abandonment, adultery, or cruel and inhuman treatment to […]