Entries by David Centeno

Theo Pauline Nestor: Why We Need Divorce Memoirs

Suzanne Finnamore and Candace Walsh discuss their feelings on divorce memoirs as a genre and their own personal reasons for publishing their own personal divorce stories. Both admit their memoirs were healing, cathartic experiences and expect that they are read primarily by, as Walsh observes, other women going through the same thing. Our culture’s new […]

John Mellencamp Files for Divorce

John Mellencamp has recently filed for divorce from his wife after eighteen years of marriage. The couple has two teenage children. The media saw John with actress Meg Ryan just after he announced the divorce. The media was surprised by the announcement of the divorce because they thought the marriage was great between the couple. […]

Carissa Henry: 4 Things Nobody Tells You About Divorce

Going through a divorce is not easy by any means. Carissa Henry thought that her divorce would be a cake walk, but it wasn’t. She went through the same emotions and realizations that most people see in grief victims, but even so, life slowly gets easier as time goes on during and after the divorce. […]

Help for Divorced Mothers

Divorced mothers might be getting alimony from their former husbands, but this may not be enough to really get back on their feet. For mothers who have been housewives, financial planning may be a new challenge. However, there are many sources for assistance, including grants to pursue education that can lead to a successful career […]

Moving on After Divorce

Divorce is not only a difficult choice to make, but there is also the aftermath. How does one move on after divorce? Divorce is a major life change, so of course it is highly stressful for everyone who is affected by it, particularly children. Keeping busy with one’s career, with friends, family, social groups, and […]