Entries by David Centeno

A New Era?

Could this be the dawn of the new civil divorce? Last Friday Gov. Jay Inslee signed the Uniform Collaborative Law Act which allows couples to agree on the terms of their divorce without going to court at all. This act can save many couples the heartbreak of a long protracted divorce, played out in public […]

4 tips for parents going through divorce

Divorce is hard, but it’s even that much harder when there are children involved. It’s one thing to attempt to deal with those feelings yourself but when you heap kids on top of that it becomes a real issue. Fox has outlined 4 important tips for parents going through divorce. Adhering to these can be […]

For the poorer spouse, financing for the divorce battle

We enter into relationships with different financial backgrounds and the process of a protracted court battle can leave the less well off spouse reeling from the costs. In order to prepare yourself for the battle royale that is modern day divorce, you need to ensure that you commit enough time to adequate planning. Read More: […]