Entries by David Centeno

Best Use of Divorce Cash Before Retirement?

Let’s say you make out like a bandit after your divorce and retirement is approaching, now what? Some may opt to pay off outstanding college loans, others may be more inclined to splurge or invest, but as you approach your later years making the right decision is a crucial task. Here is some advice from […]

Life after divorce

Truth is, when you got married, chances are you meant those words. You really were in love and you thought it would last forever. Unfortunately despite our best efforts, sometimes the real world just doesn’t work out that way and we are forced to end our marriages. Life after divorce can be tough but if […]

5 Common Divorce Mistakes

The months immediately post divorce are filled with untimely mishaps and rash decisions, simply put it is prime time for mistake making. From repeatedly calling your ex, to not relying on help, there are many ways you can make the pain even worse. Well to make sure you don’t fall into the trap here are […]

Divorce laws stacked against military men

Upon returning home veterans are plagued by a myriad of problems. Usually the major ones are unemployment, or even reacclimatizing to regular day life. How about heaping divorce laws on top of that? Read this open letter by a veteran who himself has had to deal with the biased divorce laws.   Read More: JD […]

Tips for baby boomers seeking divorce

It’s been widely reported that baby boomer couples are now divorcing at record rates. Divorce for older couples can be an altogether different experience compared to younger couples. Most times the relationships have lasted much longer, which means more time to accumulate assets and deeper family relations. Here are some tips for any baby boomers […]