Why New York County is the Best County to File an Uncontested Divorce In

New York law allows you to file an uncontested divorce in any…

Say Goodbye to Fault Grounds New York – No-Fault is Here!

Under the New York divorce law of just last week you would have…

How to Approach Your Fiance About a Prenup

Many clients first question when it comes to prenuptial agreement…

What’s the New York Uncontested Divorce Process?

If you and your spouse can agree upon the key factors dealt with…

New York Post-Nuptial Agreement: Why The Number of Postnups Have Exploded

There has been a growing trend among married couples nationwide,…

New York Cohabitation Agreements: What Issues Can be Covered?

New York law permits express Cohabitation Agreements for both…

What is New York’s New No-Fault Divorce Law?

New York's new no-fault divorce law revolutionizes NYS divorce…

New York Prenups: The Reasons Why the Number of Prenups has Exploded

In the last 20 years the number of prenuptial agreements nationwide…

New York No-Fault Divorce Law is Finally Here!!!

New York was the last state in the nation to adopt a no-fault…

New York Divorce with Assets: Divorce Negotiation and Mediation Your Best Option

If you have marital assets to divide in a divorce I recommend…