Do I Need to Serve My Spouse in Our New York Uncontested Divorce?

If you are getting an uncontested divorce, usually your spouse…

NY Divorce Lawyer: Uncontested Divorce to Save Money and Lower Cost of New York Divorce

Most NY divorce lawyers charge far too much money for divorces. If you do your research you can save thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands (or millions), of dollars on your divorce. Don't pay a NY divorce lawyer $300 to $600 an hour to represent you if you don't have to. If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can agree on certain things, you may be eligible for an uncontested divorce.

Am I Eligible for Divorce in New York? New York Divorce Residency Requirements…

One of the most common questions I am asked by clients, aside from how much is this going to cost, is am I eligible to get divorced in New York State.

Dennis Hopper on His Deathbed is Still Paying Too Much for His Divorce…

Celebrity Dennis Hopper has filed for divorce in Los Angeles from his fifth wife, Victoria Duffy. The fact that Dennis Hopper is yet again getting divorced is not necessarily news worthy, but this time Dennis has really earned his reputation: he filed for divorce from his deathbed while suffering with prostate cancer.

British Department Store Debenhams Offers a Divorce Registry: Good Divorce Idea or Divorce Marketing Ploy?

Divorce has reached such an accepted status in the modern world that now Debenhams, a British department store, has created a gift list for those going through a divorce. Instead of a wedding registry, they have established a divorce registry. Reuters described the business move as promoting "the party atmosphere of modern divorce."

WARNING: Beware of New York Divorce “Specialists” or Family Law “Specialists”…

Searching for the right NY divorce attorney for you is a daunting task, especially with all the hype that's out there on the web. To get a sense of what I'm referring to, just Google "NY divorce specialist" and you will be inundated with a long list of lawyers and law firm that claim to "specialize" in NY divorce law.

How Much Does Divorce Cost in New York? The Cost of NY Divorce…

One of the most common question I am asked by clients is "How much is my NY divorce going to cost?" I fully understand why this is usually their first question. It would be mine too. The cost of a divorce depends on various factors. The most important question being is your divorce contested or uncontested...

How Fast Can I Get Divorced in NY?

You might be surprised about the number of calls that I receive regarding people in need of a divorce NOW! If you too are wondering how long a divorce typically takes in New York, then read on...

How to Save Thousands of Dollars on Your Divorce: “Good Karma Divorce”…

Are you wondering how in the world you can make your divorce process a little less stressful? Today I read an interesting article regarding how to get a "Good Karma Divorce." Judge Lowrence, a long-time divorce lawyer and judge, indicates that one of the most painful aspects of divorce is how much it can cost if you are not careful, citing an the average divorce cost to be $30,000 (and for high income families it can go into the millions).

What if Your Spouse Won’t Sign? Can You Still Get a NY Uncontested Divorce?

What if your spouse won't sign his or her divorce papers? Are you unable to get a divorce in New York? What about an uncontested divorce? The answer is that even if your spouse refuses to sign there are ways to still get divorced in New York. You may also still attempt to get an uncontested divorce...